The power of the relationship between a PE Lead and their SLT with James Latham and Jonathan Smart

Season #1 Episode #3

In episode 3 of The Primary PE Huddle, guests James Latham and Jonathan Smart from Excelsior Multi Academy Trust join hosts Dan and Paul to talk about their professional relationship and why it is key to the success of PE and Physical Activity in the Trust’s schools.

Who is James Latham?

James is PE Lead at Excelsior MAT. Alongside teaching and engaging children in regular activity, his role is to work with staff to increase their confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE & sport, and to raise the profile of PE and sport across the MAT.

With a degree in Sports & Exercise Science and Business Management, James has been involved with young people in sport and education throughout his career. He holds several coaching badges and a Level 5 Certificate in Primary School Physical Education Specialism.

James has also represented England as part of the England Lionhearts Rugby League and often uses this to inspire children work hard and strive for success.

Who is Jonathan Smart? 

Jonathan was a Head Teacher for many years before becoming Deputy CEO at Excelsior MAT in 2018. 

Jonathan has many strings to his education bow. He is a former Ofsted inspector, a Lead Reviewer for the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT), President of Birmingham Branch of NAHT and is a Local Leader of Education.

Jonathan believes that quality PE and Physical Activity in schools is essential and as a Senior Leader his support is instrumental in ensuring the success of James’ work.


What’s covered in the podcast?

  • Jonathan gives us an SLT viewpoint on the importance of PE and Physical Activity in schools.
  • We discuss how to create a successful collaboration between a PE Lead and SLT.
  • We share ideas on how to embed a positive ethos and culture towards PE and Physical Activity.

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