Affiliate Resources


All the resources and marketing assets you'll need to promote Aspire:ED, get clicks on your sharing link and engage more people in various CPD opportunities on offer.

We've got lots of posts, images and videos for you to use, all of which can be accessed here.

Should there be anything you would like to use in your promotions but cannot find, please do not hesitate to book a Catch Up Call below and we will help you out.


Affiliate Resources

5 Ways you can promote Aspire:ED and get rewarded

Recommend us on social media and Facebook groups 

Message your contacts to let them know about Aspire:ED on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Email

Write a blog post about Aspire:ED and the benefits it provides the user

Set up a page on your website with a focus and relevant content relating to Aspire:ED

Review the Aspire:ED platform  and tell people how they can sign up to Aspire:ED and what it will give them